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DIVINE REMEDIES - A TEXTBOOK ON CHRISTIAN HEALING by Theodosia DeWitt Schobert. Fuller Understanding of Spiritual Healing, Healing of Blood Troubles and Skin Diseases, Freedom from Sense Appetite, Healing of Insanity, Healing of Insomnia, Healing of Poisoning of Any Kind, General Upbuilding and Healing of the Body Temple. 116 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-114-2. (Inquire as to price and availability.)

THE FINER FORCES IN DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY by George Star White, M.D. Vital and Unseen Forces, Polarity, Cause of Un-Health, Colors, Magnetic Energy, The Sympathetic-Vagal Reflex, Actions of Finer Forces of Nature, The Human Aura, Moon-Light, Light and Sound, Treatment with Light and Color,etc. 231 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-080-4. (Inquire as to price and availability.)

HEAL THYSELF: AN EXPLANATION OF THE REAL CAUSE AND CURE OF DISEASE by Edward Bach, M.B., B.S., D.P.H. By focusing on the causes rather than the results of disease and thus allowing individuals to assist in their own healing, Dr. Bach shows the vital principles which will guide medicine in the near future and are indeed guiding some of the more advanced members of the profession today. 52 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-152-5. (Inquire as to price and availability.)

HEALING AT A DISTANCE by Fenwicke L. Holmes and Ernest S. Holmes. Healing at a Distance, No Real "Distance" in Spirit, The Nature of Spirit, Not Science, but Faith Essential, Telepathy, Co-operation With the Physician, Sending Out Thoughts, Etc. 22 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-341-2. $3.00.

HEALTH AND SPIRITUAL HEALING by Richard Lynch. Key to Health, Rhythm of Life and Health, Realizing the Perfect Body, Tree of Life and Health, How to Renew Your Consciousness, Individual Rebirth in Consciousness, Etc. 146 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-146-0. $12.00.

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SELF HEALING BY THOUGHT FORCE by WIlliam Walker Atkinson. The Healing Force, Self Treatment for Equalizing the Circulation, How to Build Up the Organs of Nutrition, Self Treatment for Stomach Troubles and Constipation, Self Treatment for Female Troubles, Self Treatment for Nervousness, Insomnia, Etc. 92 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-286-6. (Inquire as to price and availability.)

THE TWELVE HEALERS AND OTHER REMEDIES by Edward Bach. Chapters include remedies for the following: For Fear, For Uncertainty, For Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances, For Loneliness, For Those Over-Sensitive to Influences and Ideas, For Despondency or Despair, For Over- Care for Welfare of Others. 30 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-174-6. (Inquire as to price and availability.)


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THE TRUTH ABOUT HERBS by Mrs. C.F. Leyel. The Unbroken Tradition of Herbal Medicine, The History of Herbalism, The Birth of the Society of Herbalists, Herbs Cure-The Reason Why, The Healing Properties of Certain Herbs, The Effect of Herbs on Allergic Diseases, Herbalists' Fight for Freedom, Etc. 106 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-145-2. $8.00.




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